Roth IRA-the long awaited retirement solution for an average American

The plan named Roth IRA provides tax-free growth under U.S law with certain terms & conditions. This is an Individual Retirement Account with a twist. The best alternative to make the future independent and secured as it is simple and easy to open and operate.

The best part of the retirement account is, it is tax-free as well as penalty free. This provides the tax-free service but for getting the advantage of the retirement account, the individual needs to pay the tax just once rather than paying twice or more than that as it has already been noted in other IRAs.

In Roth IRA, people need to pay the income tax while making the contribution and then one needs to make the contribution through after tax dollars as well as the principal grows free of taxes.

An individual does not have to pay further taxes at the time of withdrawal of the money. For American citizens, Roth IRA has become a blessing as they became capable enough to save the money for the future right at the earning age itself and over and above to this, the money is tax-free and penalty-free service after 59 and half. The principal amount can be withdrawn anytime after at least 5 years without any penalty.

It is necessary to be equipped with an appropriate retirement plan which may also serve as a backup plan during emergencies and Roth IRA does just that. Moreover, there are certain exceptional situations wherein even the earnings can be withdrawn along with the principal amount.

Some of these exceptions include purchasing a home for the first time; when unemployed for at least 12 weeks, it can be utilized to pay medical premium insurance; in case of permanent disability and to pay unimbursed medical expenses.